We have spent a combined three decades immersed in the airport industry, one of the most complex and highly regulated in the world. This expertise spans not only many years, but also many facets of airport development. That includes everything from advising stakeholders on airport capital delivery strategies (e.g., P3s, CMAR, DBFOM, etc.) to creating and developing First Source Hiring Programs. From facilitating ACDBE certifications and product placement for concessionaires to assisting prime contractors with outreach and business inclusion compliance.
“I am impressed with SCA’s quality of work. Their understanding of FAA rules and guidelines pertaining to concessions and small businesses allowed them to facilitate effective working relationships between primes and ACDBEs. From investigating and reporting on specific issues to generally interfacing with concessionaires, primes, and LAWA staff, they have been able to create a collaborative and fair environment for the ACDBE’s at LAX.”
Debbie Bowers
Deputy Executive Director, Commercial Development
Los Angeles World Airports