The work we do is powered by the relationships we’ve cultivated. In government, in business and in the community. Connections that spark honest conversation, inspired thinking and meaningful progress. No matter what we’ve been hired to do.
SCA Strategic works with both public agencies and private companies to create strategic partnerships that optimize outcomes and ROI for all parties. We consult with public agencies on the creation and implementation of business inclusion and workforce development programs, including contract monitoring and compliance. And we guide private companies through the intricacies of government contracting to establish and increase their market share. We also help them identify qualified local partners that can strengthen their proposals and create useful alliances through active engagement with stakeholders in the community.
Business Inclusion
We assist public agencies in the development, implementation, monitoring and compliance of business inclusion programs. In the private sector, we work with large corporations/prime contractors to differentiate them from competitors by integrating meaningful business inclusion strategies, facilitating stakeholder engagement and identifying the local, small and disadvantaged business enterprises (L/S/DBEs) that best meet project requirements. Our aim is not only to help the primes’ bids and projects succeed, but also to create lasting connections with DBE partners that further the long-term, strategic objectives of both parties.
Business Development
We work with large corporations and with local, small and disadvantaged business enterprises (L/S/DBEs) to develop productive, mutually beneficial, strategic partnerships. We also assist L/S/DBEs in building their capacity and readiness to partner with prime contractors. That may include helping them to identify and obtain the certifications they’re eligible for, keeping them apprised of upcoming RFPs, strategic planning, marketing, connecting and advocating for them with prime contractors, and navigating the proposal process to optimize their success.
Workforce Development
We approach workforce development from both the supply and demand perspectives. On the supply side, we tap our robust community network to connect workers with skills training opportunities and engage them in First Source Hiring and other priority employment programs providing timely notification of job openings. On the demand side, we partner with employers to identify technical training opportunities that will prepare workers for jobs in new industries.